Saturday, August 30, 2008

What Stirs and Robs

Listen. I was just reading Matt Chandler's blog..and man. The Lord spoke.

He basically said he lists the things that stir his affections for Christ and the things that rob him of affection for Christ...

My list and his had some similarities that were strange...but either way, i thought i would be vulnerable and list mine..not fully because it would be long..but a few.

The things that stir my affection for Christ:
*Early mornings that I'm awake and alert with coffee
*Listening to Shane and Shane, Bethany Dillon, or Jennifer Knapp
*Reading or listening to a believer's testimony of their walk with the Lord.
*Hearing the Word being taught.
*Corporate worship
*Sitting outside (preferably the country) and just gazing. Sometimes writing to the Lord.
*Reading anything by Francine Rivers or Beth Moore
*Being around Becky and Shane and other believers who actively love the Lord.

Matt Chandler said that his list of the things that rob him of his affections for Christ tend to be neutral things, and i agree.. and im going to list his because i share them all but the sports one..and then list some of my own..

  1. Watching too much TV and spending too much time online
  2. Staying up late for no reason
  3. Following sports too closely
  4. Being physically lazy
  5. Empty conversations (talking for hours about nothing)
  6. Idleness
In replace of sports, I would say fashion and anything to do with appearance.
*dwelling on on another's sins.
*listening to music that stirs my emotions anywhere but toward Christ ie: remembrance on a painful situation, wishful thinking, lust.

I'm going to quote him real quick:
I want to pay attention to life. I want to be keyed in to what feeds my zeal for our great God and King and what kills that zeal. My hope is that I could flood my life with Christ-exalting, worship-creating things and avoid anything that would rob me of that.

Amen to this.

1 comment:

Becky said...

I too read this blog and what is crazy about it is the Lord had already been speaking to me of some things in my life that are robbing me of him when I stumbled on Matt's blog. I guess he's really trying to make a point... especially after seeing MY name listed in what draws you closer to God. I am SO honored to be in the list but SO not worthy! I am a mess, Brooke - and if I bring you closer to the Lord it is not by my doing whatsoever but only by the amazing Grace of God. WOW! If only you knew what reading your blog has confirmed in my life about what God has been speaking to me. Amazing. I adore you!